What is Unschooling?: Living and Learning without School by Pam Laricchia

What is Unschooling?: Living and Learning without School by Pam Laricchia 

Children are born curious, creative, and wired to learn--and we value those traits in adults! So why, as our children grow up, do we often insist they change to fit into the education system, where curiosity is replaced by curricula, creativity by conformity, and learning by memorizing?

If you'd rather nurture your children's curiosity, creativity, and love of learning, let me introduce you to the world of unschooling.

In this short book, we'll explore some of the most common questions people have when they first hear about unschooling:
  • What is unschooling? 
  • How will my child learn? 
  • Without a curriculum, what will they learn? 
  • How do I know they're learning? 
  • Will unschooling work for my child? 
  • But what if my child already has trouble at school? 
  • What is deschooling? 
  • How do I get started? 

Keyword Search:
Parent Participation in Education
90-Minute Education & Reference Short Reads
Pam Laricchia 


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